Ansh Patel's Profile
From a young age I have always been interested in coding and learned languages such as Python and Java. Since then I have always carried on developing my interest and skills in coding. I managed to self-learn several different computer languages, including Javascript, HTML/CSS, C++, TensorFlow, and R. I have increased my versality in my coding abilities and created different applications. Some of which are a mock wordle, an A.I-based application, a business website, and this profile. All of this profile was designing solely through HTML/CSS and Javascript.
Physics and Math
I always loved math, despite it sometimes being a difficult subject to master. Specifically, I have a keen interest in astrophysics. My school coursework has been surrounding this topic since the beginning of high school, and even my personal extracurricular activties are molding to fit within these interests. Ultimately, I plan to major in astrophysics.
Space has always been a big interest of mine since the I was a little kid. Over time, the interest had propspered into a fascination and desire to seek knowledge concerning its vast mysteries. I have then been studying the sciences surveying the universe, organizations at the front of its exploration, and the discoveries that had answered its mysterious characterisitcs.
Aerospace Engineering
This is a field I would like to also pursure in college. Aerospace engineering constitutes the area surrounding the principles of engineering aviation vehicles, including spacecrafts. I think this field would be a great fit for me as it would enable to combine my interest in physics and space and particpate in a field in which I can excel the most.
About Me
My name is Ansh Patel. I am a senior at Allen High School with a great variety in skills, interests and accomplishments. I am play tennis and spent almost seven years training in the sport. I have keen interests in physics and engineering.
Contact Me

A.I-Based Nanotechnology Research and Visualization Database |
This platform is A.I based platform that is being coded through Python. It will be able to provide detail summaries regarding current nanotechnology research and advancements concerning serveral subtopics. Alongside this, the platform will be able to provide users with visualizations of how nanotechnology works in a variety of ways.
Mock wordle Game |
A HTML, CSS, and Javascript based application that mimicks the New York Times Wordle game.
Website for Non-Profit Businesses |
Created a working HTML/CSS, Javascript website for a non-profit business that uses the platform to shop for its products.
Nanoparticles in Medicine

My research was a rigorous independent project that focuses on the effect of nanoparticle-based drug delivery system on rare diseases. It dives into understanding how current treatment methods used to treatment Spinal Muscular Atrophy could be augmented to incorporate nanoparticles to increases its effect. My research paper, Review of Nanoparticle-Based Drug Delivery Methods in Conjunction With Antisense Oligonucleotide for the Treatment of Spinal Muscular Atrophy, focuses on this concept and was recently published in the Curieux Academic Journal.